Author: jim

  • How do I feed my cat’s freeze-dried staple food?

    How do I feed my cat’s freeze-dried staple food?

    Nowadays, more and more parents are paying attention to their furkids’ diets and the importance of freeze-dried cat food, but they don’t know what freeze-dried cat food is. But they don’t know what freeze-dried cat food is, whether freeze-dried cat food can be used as a staple food or not. But they don’t know what…

  • How often should you change cat litter?

    How often should you change cat litter?



    Cats are an important member of the family, and keeping them clean and healthy is definitely something that every cat owner should pay attention to. Cat litter is an indispensable part of cats’ daily life, and its choice and use will definitely have a profound impact on the health of cats and the environment. So…

  • Cat Food Safety Crisis! What are the symptoms of hypokalemia?

    Cat Food Safety Crisis! What are the symptoms of hypokalemia?

    What happens if your cat has Hypokalemia? All the fur kids in the country are scared! What should you do as an owner to protect your little one? What should you do if he’s still a kitten, and is the 2024 cat food recommendation still reliable? The food safety crisis is a serious one! Let’s…

  • Dietary Guidelines for Senior Dogs

    Dietary Guidelines for Senior Dogs



    Aging brings physical changes, and so does the diet! Why do dogs need to change to a senior dog diet when they get older? Wu Yiru said at the outset, because the body of the old dog will gradually weaken, if there is no dietary adjustments, the organs may degenerate or fail faster in the…

  • What to do if your dog has gastroenteritis? How to treat it effectively with medicine?

    What to do if your dog has gastroenteritis? How to treat it effectively with medicine?



    As the saying goes, “Food is what people eat.” But if you want to enjoy colorful dishes, first we need to have a good stomach, so the hygienic quality of food is especially important. Not only us, the dog’s intestines and stomach is also very sensitive, once eaten not clean food or raw food, it…

  • What do dogs eat if they have gastroenteritis?

    What do dogs eat if they have gastroenteritis?



    Many dog ​​parents find that dogs have loss of appetite, decreased mobility, and even vomiting or diarrhea. After seeing the doctor, I find that it is gastroenteritis. What do dog gastroenteritis eat? What if dog gastritis does not eat? Understand the cause of dog gastroenteritis and avoid gastroenteritis more serious, and you can also avoid…

  • How to make dog fresh food?

    How to make dog fresh food?

    Dogs don’t like to drink water and it’s always a problem for parents. Do you know what to do if your dog is a picky eater? Do you want to give your baby fresh food, but don’t know how to choose? If you have these problems, this article can help you solve them! Fresh food…

  • What are the types of dog skin diseases?

    What are the types of dog skin diseases?



    There are many types of dog skin diseases, usually dog owners see red, swollen skin, flaking …, etc., will suspect whether it is a skin disease, but there are many types of dog skin disease, there are mange, eczema, allergic dermatitis, ear or eye diseases caused by …, etc., very much so, how to do…

  • Why does my cat suddenly lose weight despite having a normal appetite?

    Why does my cat suddenly lose weight despite having a normal appetite?

    Why does your cat suddenly lose weight despite having a normal appetite? Watch out for these 3 reasons and diseases Your cat has a normal appetite, but why does it suddenly lose weight? There are many different factors that can affect weight loss, including the environment, nutritional intake, etc. Sudden weight loss can also be…

  • “Grain pet food” vs. “grain-free pet food”, which one is better?

    “Grain pet food” vs. “grain-free pet food”, which one is better?

    Which is better, grain-based diet or grain-free diet? We often hear people say that grain-free diet is good for cats and dogs, so why are there so many grain-based diet on the market with the same price? Don’t be led around again! Today we will tell you with grain vs. without grain, which one should…