If your dog starts scratching and appears to be scratching abnormally, the cause may be one of the following common problems.

Your dog is good at taking care of himself, which includes occasional scratching or scratching to remove insects and other irritants. But if you notice that your dog has been scratching for days, or if you notice that his skin is inflamed, there may be a problem.
Scratching due to insects and fleas on your dog’s body
One of the most common causes of persistent scratching is the presence of parasites. These parasites include fleas, ticks, and other insects or mites that can cause your dog’s skin to become uncomfortable. It is important to de-flea your dog regularly to minimize the risk of infection. If you have dust mites and other ectoparasites in your home, you can clean your home regularly with a vacuum cleaner to avoid irritation of your dog’s skin and provide them with mite-proof sleeping pads.
However, scratching can be another, more complex cause: allergies.
Allergies in Dogs
In some dogs, skin allergies are a genetic condition called atopic dermatitis. Many dogs in some countries have this condition, with some breeds (e.g., French Bulldogs, German Shepherds, or Labradors) being at higher risk than others.
Atopic dermatitis occurs when a dog’s immune system overreacts to its normal environment or diet, and it scratches vigorously to relieve the discomfort. This behavior can lead to skin breakdown or ulcers and further problems, and make your dog more susceptible to other infections.
What are dogs allergic to?

Dogs can be allergic to many things. These include environmental factors such as feathers, mold or mites, some of which are seasonal, such as grass pollen or tree pollen. There are also specific foods that can cause allergies in dogs, such as certain dairy products, beef, chicken, eggs, soy and some grains. An allergic reaction occurs when your dog becomes particularly sensitive to something at a young age and reacts negatively to it. By recognizing the early signs of an allergic reaction, you can get a head start on finding the best treatment for this lifelong health condition.
How can I check if my dog has an allergy?
If you suspect that your dog is allergic to something, it is important to consult your veterinarian, who will ask a series of questions to learn more about your dog’s symptoms, and then perform a variety of tests to identify the allergen. Tests may include skin scrapings and blood tests, and if your veterinarian suspects a food allergy, you may need to help your dog with an 8- to 12-week food exclusion trial.
By feeding a new food and then reintroducing an old food ingredient each time and observing the results, this can help your veterinarian identify which specific foods trigger allergic reactions in your dog.
Dog Skin Care
There are some simple ways to care for your dog’s skin that will help alleviate allergic reactions and help keep it in good health. Bathing your dog regularly with a professional shampoo to keep them clean and dry can be very helpful in relieving skin discomfort. Topical treatments such as gels and creams can also be used for medical care.
You can also manage your dog’s skin health by feeding certain foods that are rich in skin-healthy nutrients. These include omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids, which help maintain a healthy skin barrier, as well as antioxidants and aloe vera, which are helpful in managing skin conditions.
If your dog has been scratching or itching for several days, be sure to consult your veterinarian, and feel free to contact your veterinarian for more information on dog skin care.